Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leftover Clocks

    The complete and resounding success of the previous post A Dream inflated an already bloated ego of the writer to the limit, thereby pushing him into an era of complacency, laziness and apathy, and resulted in nothing less than the forgetting of consecutive birthdays of two women very dear to him. Jolted out of my permanent supine and almost comatose(This thesaurus thing is awesome) posture, I begin to dish out more and more crap.
   Well, the prolonged summer, the even more prolonged summer holidays(more than two months), the scorching heat and humid weather, the power cuts and rolling blackouts, the soaring Petrol prices and House MD are to blame. My brain has stagnated, bored to death and has run completely out of ideas. Should have joined that German language class at Max Mueller Bhavan my dad was telling me about.(The definition of Aryan racism is throwing up red squiggly spelling error lines for Bhavan while Max Mueller sir gets a clean chit...)
    All of us friends met up at Creamy Inn, an Ok ice cream joint in Anna Nagar to discuss what the first year in college had done to us. The IITians and wannabe IITians huddled together, discussing internship prospects(After only a year in college), how low the sex ratio was, coding(Doesn't matter even if you're in Naval Architecture, everyone discusses coding) and other stuff which went way over my head the moment the chatter started. Us mere mortals, crept around, talking about how our brothers who were now in the vicious circle of school and JEE coaching were doing. Mere mortal talk.Well, other mundanely interesting things also crop up.

Me: I left a few things in my room while packing by mistake. Damn, I forgot my door mat!
Sid: I had a few problems too. When I came out, I noticed I was late for the train and left in a hurry. Retrospecting, I thought, "How did I notice I was late?", and answered myself, "By looking at the clock".
Me: And where was the clock?
Sid: In my room! Almost missed the train in running back to get it.
Gautham: Shit. I forgot mine!
      It doesn't matter which college you go to, as long as you have friends who lighten your heart and keep you laughing, I guess. 


  1. Hahaha! This is some juicy shit you've got going my man :) Keep updating, you're the only guy doing something worthwhile in this boring lead-up to second yr of college.

