Sunday, June 19, 2011

Goan Learning Curve

    It's like the hand of God(A rather mischievous one. I'm guessing that brat Krishna) shoved in and turned his sand pit upside down, exposing the city's rather dark underbelly. No, 'dark underbelly' is not a metaphor for some non-existent mafia or it's nexus with the cops here. Literally, the whole city is being dug out, whether it is for Metro rail construction in 100 feet road or for storm water drainage in T Nagar. It's not like roads were world class or anything, but hey, at least you could spot a bit of black tar here and there, reminding you that you gotta pay road tax for it. Right now it’s time to test that Scooty's off-roading skills, eh?
   Was speaking to this BITS, Goan(Oops, BITS, Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus) about how his first year had been. Generic answers. Either he’s bored or showing attitude. Attitude. Must stem from somewhere. So I decided to stun him with my level of exposure about internships. (The level being I know that people are going for internships in their first year holidays itself. Worship me.)
Uh, oh, HUGE learning curve ahead...

Me: So, you thinking of any internship options? (You can almost taste the smugness the air reeked of...)
Him: Already went for one. Lasted a few weeks…
Me: Oh. (Thank god for Facebook chat. He didn’t have to see me do the Kangaroo hop around the room, mouthing out muffled expletives and curses at myself…)

   The next hour was spent kissing ass and asking him where and when he went, how he got it and what exactly he did there. Sheesh. The next day was spent asking dad about them and applying for one. The following days were spent eating at Subway, Pizza Hut and Rajdhani respectively and sleeping for 8-10 hours, convincing oneself that ignorance is bliss, only if you’re ignorant of the fact that you’re ignorant.

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