Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gorbachev turns in his grave

Internet trolls, while being incredibly stupid, geeky, disgruntled, forever-alone, sexually deprived, butt hurt dwelling bachelors most of the time, do spring up a witty retort once in a moon landing, taking you completely by surprise. While surfing Reddit, I came across an interesting Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with a former Red Army Sergeant who was stationed at a Siberian prison camp from '71 to '73 and later defected to America. While taking normal questions about people escaping the camp (and later being found frozen to death in the woods. Mother Russia, you scary) and general opinions about the US ('Cos rednecks have to talk about their country, even if it is to a ruskie), the conversation invariably led to Gorbachev, the man who broke up the Soviet Union. 
The long and short of it was that our agent did not like Gorbachev, which was expected. Russians have always been slightly confused about him. You don't throw away eighty years of intransigent Communism overnight). He lamented that he "couldn't blame anyone for being an asshole" because they were "all dealing with the one big asshole in Moscow, and that one big asshole was screwing all of us in one way or another."
Funny, taking the case of a patriot who had just given such a passionate discourse would be the last, most tactless thing to do; which means that it would be first on the Troll's list. The world is an evil place. My worst fears were confirmed when I clicked to load more comments.

"In Soviet Russia, assholes screw you."

Brilliantly played, sir, but you're still going to hell. And so am I, for laughing until my sides ached.
The whole session was a brilliant read. 
Up next, something on Derek Bailey and a worthless art form worth tens of millions. (No, we are not talking about Cecilia's restoration of the Ecce Homo Fresco. Or are we?) 

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