Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Raunchy Joke book

This one from the archives, sixth grade hols I guess.
   The initial euphoria of finally acquiring library membership #1022  at Kumaran Lending Library had rendered me part zombie, with a number of the Goosebumps and Animorphs series' titles borrowed everyday. This fiery reading spree was partly fed by the crushing ennui that usually sets in around two weeks after the start of the hols and partly by a savage race to fill up the sections of my borrowing registry faster than Arvi did. While his tryst with Archie and  Sydney Sheldon had him burning midnight oil, my own with Robin Cook and Tintin led to increased strain and later, myopia.
    One particular evening when I had dragged myself to the library to try something different this time, I decided to borrow one of them joke books. I had already tried reading the ones available at home and there was a decent collection available at the lib. So happily getting a 'nice sounding' joke book, I made my way back and was just about to read it when mom noticed the title. "What book have you got?!", she asked, rather incredulously.
"It's a joke book, The Raunchy Joke book", I replied. 
"Do you know what raunchy means?"
 I shook my head. "Isn't it like crunchy, you know, 'Crispy one liner bites'?"
"Please go look up Raunchy in the dictionary. This is why I always ask you to use the dictionary. Your vocab is very poor..." and so on.
Later in Ninth grade, was relating the whole anecdote to the lunch break pals.When we were all exchanging lighthearted guffaws, one of them stopped short and pondered, "When did you say this happened, bro?"
"Sixth grade hols, I think. Why?"
"Um, and your mother asked you to look it up in the dictionary?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Did you read the jokes?"
"Duh no, not after looking up the meaning. Now that I think about it, I stopped reading joke books altogether after trying my hand at 'Rugby Jokes' and not understanding a thing. Why, dammit?"
"Whoa. So your mother expected you to understand the meaning of 'raunchy' at sixth grade?"
"Well, I guess- What? Whoaa."

Respect, mom.

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