Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snowdens of Yesteryear

GRE tip for the day (Not a regular thing, no):
   The word Satiety is the feeling or state of being gratified to or beyond capacity. Usually used in the gastronomical context, the word becomes sated when used in the verbal sense. This is of course a pain in the ass for grammar Nazis when people tend to use satiated instead of sated. Satiate is a synonym and looks to derive from Latin Satis which means enough. According to Merriam-Webster, "Satiate and Sate may sometimes imply only complete satisfaction but more often suggest repletion that has destroyed interest or desire. Surfeit implies a nauseating repletion. Cloy stresses the disgust or boredom resulting from such surfeiting."
   You are confused. Therefore, I'm sated. What happened to original thought, wit and humor? Where was that cloak of satire masking a deep sense of insecurity, along with one or two cracks at IITs that used to characterize The Pot Jamming Sessions? Why did I have to stoop to my very nadir and copy/paste from random sites about Satiate and Sate? In short, why so much plagiarism, you may ask. I'm just putting as much information as possible on the platter before them Wikipedians block out Wikipedia to protest against SOPA and PIPA. Its a veritable student's nightmare, blocking dear old Wiki. Sort of a trailer to the Apocalypse. The Mayans were right.
     David J Griffiths, US Physicist and educator, author of the much revered Introduction to Electrodynamics, BITSian icon, came over to give a lecture on 'What's so funny about quantum mechanics'. Crowds thronged the audi which was pretty packed a good half hour before the lecture began. Of course, you also had the doods who claimed "they bunked class even when the bloody author came to teach", therefore dispensing any allusions cast on their impeccable 0% attendance level. So cool they are, no?  
   The guy was given a rock star's welcome as he walked through the aisle, standing ovation and all. The wannabe racists that we were, a few friends and I tried to guess whether he was a southie or a Yankee from his accent. The conspicuous white mush and the weird 'condom-meganicks' pronunciation notwithstanding, we were unable to decide whether he was a redneck or not. He certainly didn't talk about no immigrants or about Tebow losing. He talked a lot about stuff I didn't understand but found very interesting.Weirder was the Q&A session with students asking him stuff about quantum mechanics which sounded very similar to Yossarian's "Why is Hitler? Who is Spain? When is right?". Maybe I was being deliberately retarded. Funny. 

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