Wednesday, August 17, 2011


  The existence of this annual debate held in the auditorium for the candidates contesting for Prez and Gen-Sec to present their points and to 'reach out' to the junta has always held my serious reservations. If you can't speak English coherently, you lose, even if you have a brilliant manifesto. Me being fiercely non-political, I went to the Audi Ragging session yesterday to watch some ass whooping by the Election Council. The blunders committed by the EC notwithstanding, I managed to catch a few laughs. Usual Chom vs. Gult politics only.
   Forget home, where people are idiots. The writer has always held the strongest and proudest of views that the Tamil community has always shied away from politics and didn't give a shit about who was being elected at BITS. Strength lies in numbers and numbers isn't exactly one of my state's strong points here. Yesterday though, weakened that opinion. My friend the Sudhan, suddenly appointed himself campaign manager for the female gen-sec candidate and begged us to cheer for her, just because he was 'in' Hindi Drama Club, which she was a member of. He was so charged up during the debate that he forgot to have dinner, leaving me flabbergasted. If there's one thing I've learned about him, it's that he never misses a meal, even if he's not hungry, as he "might lose energy."
I will write about that another day. Politics does weird things to people.   

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