The writer is a self-obsessed, narcissistic egoist with a lot of time at his disposal. He takes pride in Googling his own name (at first) and later fine tuning his search keywords (a lot of times) so that he can check out his own facebook profile or blog in the search results, thereby deriving great pleasure from it.
For instance, if you Google "Prasannaa Venkatesh", it reports a spelling error, courtesy my mom's numerous numerology experiments (Double 'n' and double 'a' does it). Of course, the search and image results point out to various namesakes who a)have either accomplished a lot more than me b) are Mudhaliar/Iyer boys on matrimony c) are simply jobless wannabes, managing multiple profiles in various social networking sites. I'm nowhere.
"Prasannnaa Venkatesh Pot" would have also lead to ego demolition if Google+ hadn't been owned by Google and therefore not entitled to show up first in the results. Disappointed and hurt, I typed "Pot Jamming Sessions" and prayed for some spirit uplifting. The result was entirely unexpected.
"A blog's a pot jamming session waiting to happen..."
Jubilant cries of victory ricocheted off the small walls of my room as I thumped the air, looking at a page which seemed to be appreciating my blog. I couldn't believe that my blog was actually being perceived as an epitome, a benchmark which other collegiate blogs would follow and strive to achieve. I read on eagerly.
The paragraph continued, "... The one who's gonna light, is the one who will care enough to get the OCB, the raw materials, the stuff..."
Wait, What?
"The one who lights, who gets the raw material is the blogger. The raw material is the blog content. The blog is passed on... If you try reading some other post, it's a beauty overdose. And so it follows..."
I would probably get arrested if I print any more of that shit. It took quite some Googling of those 'technical terms' to understand that the idiot was talking of a whole different pot altogether and not the Ghatam and definitely, definitely not my blog. It's like being put through The Total Perspective Vortex in The Hitchhiker's Guide. I guess it took me the mother of all coincidences to figure out that simply put, I was not the center of the bloody universe. Injured but enlightened, I sat down to study ES-I.